The Fighting

They had many verbal fights, couples quite often do which is fairly normal.

Its not normal when they turn to physical fights.

Like the morning they were in bed still drowsy and chasing dreams from the night before, enjoying the warm sun seeping in through the open curtains.

She cant even remember how the argument started, but he was calling her a liar about something.

She a liar? No chance! She wasn’t the one chatting up teenage girls and trying to hide it.

He elbowed her in the ribs and she gave him a little kick back, next thing she knew her naked pregnant body was being dragged out of bed by her feet, him screaming at her that he was going to throw her out the window for kicking him.

She grabbed the bed sheets and held on as tight as she could filled with fear that her body would be dragged along the window sill and dumped out the window onto the rough concrete below.

She screamed and begged for him to stop.

He called her a bitch and stupid slut for kicking him (obviously forgetting he elbowed her in the ribs or just thinking that he had every right and reason to do that to her).

He demanded an apology or she was going out the window.

She knew he didn’t deserve an apology but the only way to stop this was to apologize so she told him she was sorry.

He let her feet go and she dropped to the floor like a floppy rag doll and there she stayed for awhile, dragging a blanket off the bed to cover herself.

So many thoughts were racing through her mind…

Where did this anger come from?

Would this happen again?

How could she stop this from happening?

How alone she felt not having any friends in town, no where to go to get away from him for a couple of hours.

She did have distant relatives not too far away but she hardly knew them and didn’t want to drag them into this. It wasn’t their problem, it was hers and hers alone.

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